Friday, September 18, 2009

Lotions and Potions, and Essential Oils

I have been thinking lately about the different kinds of skin products that I put on my skin. After discussions with others I have come to the conclusion that I want to avoid products that have too many preservatives. Think about Trans-dermal drug patches ( Nicotine Patches) and that our skin is a very porous barrier to our blood stream. So what I am doing is ordering oils and butters from Oregon trails (see link below) and making my own skin care products. I think that many of these products we put on our skin will eventually get into our body, it's just like eating them. The skin may not be as absorbent as our gut, but it is still absorbing these fats, and oils, or preservatives. I want to use as natural and as raw of products that I can find.

The oils that I am trying right now are coconut, aloe, avocado, Shea, grape seed, almond, jojoba, and a few others that I can't remember right now.

I am also using essential oils in my lotions and air diffuser. Tea tree, cinnamon, lavender, eucalyptus, etc. I did a little experiment in the lab with some of these oils against some common bacteria on blood plates. Most of these oils killed or inhibited E. coli, and staph very well, enough to satisfy my curiosity that essential oils have anti-microbial properties.

1 comment:

Jenette said...

My feet are telling me I need some of those potions. Which one should I use?